Trefriw Community Council

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©Trefriw Community Council 2014

Trefriw Cemetery Consultation 2013


During February the Community Council consulted residents and owners of graves in Trefriw Cemetery about plans for the old cemetery and the new extension.

The results were positive.  Councillors and staff delivered about 440 forms and of these they received 81 back.  Most of the people who responded were in favour of the changes the council is planning, with 88% in favour of a shelter, 84% in favour of information boards, 90% in favour of flowering shrubs to encourage wildlife and 81% in favour of making “bug hotels”, again to encourage wild life.

The most frequent complaint was about the quality of the car park, which the council is planning to upgrade as part of the works.  

Some people suggested an entrance directly from the car park into the cemetery. The council has looked at this but found it impractical because of the large difference in ground levels between the two areas.  An improvement to the present pedestrian gate is the only remaining option.

There were an encouraging number of people who offered to become “Friends” of the cemetery, either by giving their time to do voluntary work or by making an annual donation.

Trefriw Community Council


Cemetery News

Changes to terms of leases of grave plots at Trefriw cemetery.

Trefriw Community Council, which runs Trefriw Cemetery, has made a change to the length of time for which leases at the cemetery are granted.

Until 31 March 2014, leases were granted for 100 years. From 1 April 2014 leases will instead be granted for 50 years. At the end of any lease period, the owner is entitled to renew the lease for a period of up to 50 years at half the current rate of a new lease.

Anyone who bought a lease before 1 April 2014 is unaffected by this change.

There are two reasons why the Council decided to make this change.

1. It will make it easier for the Council to keep in touch with grave owners, who are responsible for the upkeep of the grave plot and the memorial. It is very difficult to keep track of grave  owners over a period of 100 years.

2. This change will help to support the upkeep of the cemetery.  The cemetery's only income is from the lease of grave plots and the erection of memorials. The cemetery needs to be self-supporting so that an unjust burden is not placed on Council Tax payers who do not use it. The renewals of the leases could help to achieve this.